The websocket_server module provides functions for communicating using the WebSocket protocol.
The following code fragment provides a simple example of a echo server:
-module(echo_handler). -compile(export_all). -import(websocket_server, [unicast/2]). go() -> websocket_server:start("localhost", 9000, ?MODULE, default_echo_handler, []). default_echo_handler() -> receive {message, Data, ConnectionID} -> unicast(Data, ConnectionID), default_echo_handler(); _Any -> default_echo_handler() end.
ip_address() see inet(3)
Starts the WebSocket simple echo server. This function calls start("localhost", 9000, ?MODULE, default_echo_handler, []).
start(Host, Port, Module, Handler, Args) -> void()
Starts the WebSocket server on port Port as host Host, handler Module:Handler with args Args.
unicast(Data, ConnectionID) -> void()
Send the data Data to the client whose id is ConnectionID.
broadcast(Data, ConnectionID) -> void()
Send the data Data to all the clients excluding the one whose id is ConnectionID.
Send the data Data to all the clients connected.